ayaweraya's starred items

Monday, November 12, 2007

Thanks for your thoughts people, I have taken them on board in this next stage. It really helps to see what people think as you go through the different stages.In this vid I have added the inbetween keys. Next I will lip synch the face, before going on the tweak and offset the body for smoother action.


Edwin said...

Looking great! Really looks like hes saying those words, spot on with the gestures. Only one thought. at the end it looses it a wee bit.. maybe there is one too many gestures right at the end? Or is the timing out? Have you filmed your self? Using live action as a referance is sooo uesful.
All in all though it looks damn good.
see you soon i hope

Doctor Cerebro said...

i think you are trying to make all the poses very big and intense, so at the end of the dialogue there is no contrast (but there is contrast in his voice as he gets louder).maybe you could tone them down and accentuate the last part so we can feel that intensity...

messytimbo said...

looking really good dude, i can't wait to see it when it's finished!

i think ed and the doc are right, i think there's to many posses at the end. i think all the poses up untill "you've gotta do better than your doing" are great and i think they read well. but i feel that there's a couple right before the poses when he says "mildly interesting" that could be cut out. i think that would leave a bit more time to read the poses when he says "mildly interesting" the hand gestures he makes are fantastic, and i think removing those poses before would allow for those gestures to read better.

good job dude

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

yeash i agree, but it's has improved a lot, ,,i can see now the swift weight and different power centres..
mariano is reight,,,think in contrast...

David Beer said...

Well Done Dude, good to see you're getting your hands dirty...
Looking good man!

Brad said...

cool work. you are getting some symetical poses too many times in a row. The sad pose reds as sad ubt diesn't feel like tits fitting with the dialog. Best wishef